Preparation for test:
The Nobel Prize is awarded to a person who have done some exceptional work in any field of science and welfare. Here is given some common and important information about the Nobel Prize that is often asked during the interviews and exams of CSS, TMO, ISSB, PPSC, SPSC, KPSC, FPSC and BPSC. Answers to these questions are provided at the end of all questions.- First Nobel Prize was won by ….. ? a)- Willeum Von Rontegen
b)- Kristopher
c)- Johnson
d)- Bellman - First Nobel Prize was won for which of the
following discovery?
a)- Telephone
b)- X-Rays
c)- Gund)- Atom - Nobel Prize is divided in how many fields?a)- 3
b)- 5
c)- 6
d)- 4 - In which year of the following years the Nobel
Prize was instituted?a)- 1900
b)- 1901
c)- 1947
d)- 1938 - In which year the Nobel Prize was first time
given away?a)- 1905
b)- 1901
c)- 1948
d)- 1960 - Which of the following country awards the Nobel
Prize?a)- America
b)- China
c)- Japan
d)- Sweden - Which of the following is the full name of the
person who is associated with this international award?a)- Bernhard Nobel
b)- Ellen Nobel
c)- Alfred Bernhard Nobel
d)- Alfred Nobel - On which of the following dates the Nobel Prize
is awarded?a)- January 1, every year
b)- December 31, every year
c)- December 10, every year
d)- There is no fixed date - Which of the following country has the greatest
number of the Nobel Prize?a)- US
b)- China
c)- USSR
d)- Sweden - First Asian was awarded the Nobel Prize for the
work in which field?a)- Mathematics
b)- Chemistry
c)- Physics
d)- Literature - The first woman who won the Nobel Prize was ....?
a)- Mother Teresa
b)- Fatima Jinnah
c)- Madame Marie Curie
d)- Indra Gandhi - The Oldest person who was awarded the Nobel Prize ?
a)- Professor Francis Sanger, 90 years
b)- Professor Francis Peyton Rous, 87 years old
c)- Dr. Abdus Slam
d)- none of above - Who won the first Nobel Prize in the field of Physics?
a)- Wilhelm Von Rontgen
b)- Markoni
c)- Newton
d)- Hertz - With what amount the Nobel Foundation was set up?
a)- # 2,000,000
b)- # 3,200,000
c)- # 5,000,000
d)- # 9,000,000 - In which year the Nobel Prize for peace was awarded to the International Committee of the Red Cross of the Geneva?
a)- 1917
b)- 1944
c)- 1963
d)- all of above - The scientist who shared the Nobel Prize with his son was?
a)- W.H Bragg
b)- Pierre Curie
c)- Dr. Abdus Slam
d)- Abdul-staar-Edhi - When the Nobel Prize was started in the field of economics?
a)- 1947
b)- 1956
c)- 1969
d)- 1967 - The Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2000 was awarded to the president of ... ?
a)- North Korea
b)- South Korea
c)- South Africa
d)- USA - 'Wangari Maathai' who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 belongs to ... ?
a)- Korea
b)- Nigeria
c)- USA
d)- Canada - 'Muhammad Younas' who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 belongs to ... ?
a)- Bangldesh
b)- Pakistan
c)- India
d)- Saudi Arabia
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. A
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